New SIPOS SEVEN selected for Opole power scheme New SIPOS SEVEN selected for Opole power scheme  - news feed from the Electrical News Portal

The new SIPOS SEVEN electric actuator will be supplied to the ultra-supercritical (USC) coal-fired power plant under construction in Opole, south-west Poland. The order for around 1,000 actuators confirms market interest in the innovative advancements offered by SIPOS Aktorik’s new generation actuator range.

Key features that influenced selection of the SIPOS SEVEN devices were its full colour display that provides advanced screen capabilities and breakthrough multi-functional drive controller for easy and intuitive operation.

Working as a supplier to Alstom, SIPOS Aktorik – supported by local partner AUMA Polska, will provide full support for its electric actuators including commissioning and ongoing field service. The main customer for the scheme is Polska Grupa Energetyczna.

Alstom is responsible for overall project management, design and commissioning of units 5 and 6 at the Opole scheme. Unit 5 is due to enter commercial operation in 2018 and unit 6 in 2019. SIPOS actuators will be commissioned across the two 900 MW units that form the basis of the new plant. First deliveries of SIPOS actuators to the Opole scheme are planned for Q2, 2015.

SIPOS Aktorik – global suppliers of electric actuators, part of the AUMA Group

SIPOS Aktorik GmbH, Im Erlet 2, D-90518 Altdorf, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 9187 / 9227- 0 Fax +49 (0) 9187 / 9227-5111
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